许焱鑫 博士、助理研究员 Email:hhu.xyx@163.com



2007.09-2011.06  河海大学水利水电工程专业  学士

2011.09-2021.12  河海大学水工结构工程专业  直接攻博


2022.01-2023.04  河海大学土木与交通学院   博士后

2023.04至今    河海大学水科学研究院     助理研究员






1. Xu Y, Zheng D, Shao C, et al. Structural modal parameter identification method based on the delayed transfer rate function under periodic excitations[J]. Mathematics, 2023, 11(4): 1019.

2. Xu Y, Zheng D, Shao C, et al. Real-time diagnosis of structural damage based on NARX neural network with dynamic response[J]. Mathematics, 2023, 11(6): 1281.

3. Xu Y, Shao C, Zheng S, et al. A time series modeling approach for damage monitoring of concrete dam under seismic effects[J]. Structures, 2024, 105656.

4. Xu Y, Shao C, Zheng D, et al. Diagnosis of abnormal structural vibration for Xiaoshunjiang pumping station[C]. Earth and space 2016: engineering for extreme environments. Proceedings of the 15th biennial international conference on engineering, science, construction, and operations in challenging environments,Orlando: ASCE, 2016: 943-950.

5. Zheng D, Xu Y, Yang M, et al. Deformation and stress behavior analysis of high concrete dam under the effect of reservoir basin deformation[J]. Computers and Concrete, 2016, 18(6): 1153-1173.

6. Shao C, Xu Y*, Chen H, et al. Ordinary kriging interpolation method combined with FEM for arch dam deformation field estimation[J]. Mathematics, 2023, 11(5): 1106.

7. Shao C, Xu Y, Chen J, et al. Numerical analysis method of equivalent deformation parameters for grouted arch dam abutment fractured rock masses considering scale effects and anisotropy[J].Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 165.

8. 许焱鑫,郑东健,赵二峰等.周期激励下基于延迟传递率函数的结构模态识别方法[J].地震工程与工程振动,2023,43(05):138-148.

9. 许焱鑫,郑东健,赵二峰等.高混凝土坝变形性态的库盘影响分析[J].河海大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 43(04): 319-323.

10. 邵晨飞,许焱鑫,田始光等.太阳辐射影响下特高拱坝温度场及变形性态研究[J].华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),2023,51(10):142-148.

11. Shao C, Zhao E, Xu Y, et al. Genesis Analysis of Special Deformation Characteristics for Super-High Arch Dams in the Alpine and Gorge Regions of Southwest China[J]. Mathematics, 2023, 11(7):1753.

12. Zheng D, Cheng L, Xu Y. Evaluate the impact of cold wave on face slab cracking using fuzzy finite element method[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, 1-11.

13. Shao C, Gu C, Yang M, Xu Y, et al. A novel model of dam displacement based on panel data[J]. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2018, 25(1): e2037.

14. Zheng S, Shao C, Gu C, Xu Y, et al. An automatic data process line identification method for dam safety monitoring data outlier detection[J]. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2022, 29(7): e2948.

15. Zheng S, Gu C, Shao C, Xu Y, et al. A novel prediction model for seawall deformation based on CPSO-WNN-LSTM[J]. Mathematics, 2023, 11(17): 3752.

16. Qiu J, He W, Zheng D, Xu Y, et al. Dynamic failure experimental study of a gravity dam model on a shaking table and analysis of its structural dynamic characteristics[J]. Sensors, 2024, 24(5):1602.

17. 宋鹏,郑东健,许焱鑫.基于弹性补偿法的拱坝极限承载力分析方法[J].水利水电科技进展,2015,35(06):78-81+118.

18. 胡群革,马小刚,许焱鑫.小舜江输水泵站厂房结构动力响应分析及安全评价[J].水电能源科学,2013,31(05):88-91.



1. 静动结合的高拱坝健康性态监测和诊断方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目。

2. 混凝土坝结构动力响应信息挖掘与安全性态评价,国家自然科学基金面上项目。

3. 混凝土坝病害一站式诊疗分析方法,国家自然科学基金面上项目。

4. 基于数据驱动的大体积混凝土内部缺陷与波动响应作用机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目。


1. “小湾水电站大坝安全监测资料跟踪分析”项目。

2. “特高拱坝库盘变形影响研究”项目。

3. “小舜江泵站异常振动分析及结构健康诊断”项目。

4. QBT拱坝超载能力分析及温控措施研究”项目。

5. “全国大型水库大坝安全监测监督平台建设项目——安全信息处理入库及预警指标建设”项目。

6. “长河坝水电站坝坡及边坡安全稳定分析方法和监测预警软件开发”项目。

7. “大坝三维可视化安全监控与预警系统研发”项目。

8. “陈村水电站大坝安全监测系统鉴定评价及安全监测资料分析技术服务”项目。
